Holder of a Degree in Organizational Psychology, MBSR Mindfulness Advanced and Art History, Ariadna is a lover of emotions management in order to help people to generate tools that can improve their resilience, assertion and sympathy.
Born in Barcelona, she has been living in El Vilosell (Les Garrigues) since 2016, a small unknown village where she has built the most significant memories of her life. El Vilosell allows her to be free, to feel specific principles and values, responsibility and respect for her community and for her environment, and to appreciate the change of seasons, adapting to them in a trustful and assertive way.
The experience she got from this change, which brought her closer to nature and silence, allows her to offer customized listening, sympathy and meditation experiences that provide some tools aimed at getting aware of the surrounding sounds and at generating emotional and physical wellness.
On the other hand, her professional background allows her to reinforce it all with her artistic and cultural knowledge.
Her triplets have taught her to manage time so as to be more efficient in her daily life thanks to the application of habits and to the lessons she has learned and unlearned from her mistakes.

Municipality (Region)
This experience will allow you to generate the habit of dealing with emotions to improve your emotional and physical wellness with the help of different meditation techniques. The idea is to identify thoughts, feelings and sensations as they emerge and to focus on them without judging them nor identifying ourselves with them.

Municipality (Region)
This mindfulness session allows you to enjoy the route playing with the backlights of Poblet Monastery in the background, the smells, the colours, the light, … and to go deep into some “forests of big trees that stand out amid the modest but extensive oak grove that covers Poblet wood”